Friday, January 14, 2011

End of Class

Thank you all for a wonderful semester and your reflection notes. I really enjoyed getting to teach this elective and sharing some of what I have learned in Art History with all of you. From what you wrote in your reflections, it seems like you got a taste of art and how it can help you think about the world it came from and exists in today, and that was really what I was hoping for.

As mentioned to a few of the girls after class:

As per Kristina's continued demands, I am uploading my powerpoints and notes to my google docs and will share those with you. I do ask that you only use them for your personal use as almost everything is from my notes from classes at Williams and occasionally from various sources on the internet. If you want to use the information we discussed, it would be better if you researched the information elsewhere and sourced that.

Again, I just wanted to say that I enjoyed having this course and hope that you enjoyed it as well. Good luck with exams!